Job Posted Date: 03rd December 2021
St.Teresa School, Ghaziabad has advertised in THE TIMES OF INDIA newspaper for the recruitment of Teachers PGT / PRT jobs vacancies. Interested and eligible job aspirants are requested to walk-in on 06th December 2021. Check out further more details below.
School Name: St.Teresa School, Ghaziabad
About School: ST. TERESA'S CONVENT SCHOOL, affiliated to I.C.S.E., was established in 1988. The school which receives no government or private aid is proud of its eco-friendly, serene and peaceful environment. The school has a well maintained building, class rooms and infrastructure.
Teachers PGT in:
• English
• Computer
Teachers PRT for:
• Physical Education
As per School norms. Fluent in English is necessary
Job Location: Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh [Search tip: Search in Google as FacultyON Ghaziabad to find latest faculty teachers vacancies in Ghaziabad city alone]
Salary: As per School norms
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates are requested to attend the Walk-in interview along with CV, originals & copies of certificates / mark sheets and recent PP size photos to the following walk-in address.
Walk-in Address:
St.Teresa School,
Shakti Khand - II,
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad,
UP, India.
Walk-in Date and Time: 06th December 2021, 01:15 pm to 02:15 pm
Walk-in Date and Time: 06th December 2021, 01:15 pm to 02:15 pm
Reference: Advertisement on THE TIMES OF INDIA newspaper dated 01st December 2021To Get Connected With Us Clickhere
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