Job Post Date: 22nd July 2019
Name of the School: Army Public School Chennai
About School: True to its motto Knowledge is power, Golden Palm Army School began its journey in the month of May 2009. The school was inaugurated by Maj. Gen. E J Kochekkan, AVSM, SM, VSM, the then GOC ATNK&K Area on 26th May 2009. 6th July 2009 will be written in golden letters in the school history when it started functioning with the Principal, 15 teachers and about 300 students. Independence Day was celebrated as its first National festival and Annual Sports day on 23rd Jan.2010.
Name of the Posts:
Salary Package: As per norms
Also Read: The New College Chennai Teaching Faculty Job Vacancy July 2019- New Recruitment / Vacancies / Jobs / Career Opportunities / Job Openings / Vacancy Position in July 2019
How to Apply: Interested candidates may submit your resume to the following address on or before 27th July 2019
Postal Address:
Army Public School,
60 feet road,
Chennai 600089
Last Date: 27th July 2019
Army Public School, Chennai, Tamilnadu has advertised in the HINDU newspaper for the recruitment of Teaching Faculty job vacancies. Interested and eligible job aspirants are requested to apply within 27th July 2019. Check out further more details below.
About School: True to its motto Knowledge is power, Golden Palm Army School began its journey in the month of May 2009. The school was inaugurated by Maj. Gen. E J Kochekkan, AVSM, SM, VSM, the then GOC ATNK&K Area on 26th May 2009. 6th July 2009 will be written in golden letters in the school history when it started functioning with the Principal, 15 teachers and about 300 students. Independence Day was celebrated as its first National festival and Annual Sports day on 23rd Jan.2010.
Faculty Posts:
- Sanskrit
- Hindi
Job Location: Chennai, Tamilnadu [Search tip: Search in Google as FacultyON Chennai, to find the latest faculty teachers vacancies in Chennai the city alone]
Salary Package: As per norms
Also Read: The New College Chennai Teaching Faculty Job Vacancy July 2019- New Recruitment / Vacancies / Jobs / Career Opportunities / Job Openings / Vacancy Position in July 2019
How to Apply: Interested candidates may submit your resume to the following address on or before 27th July 2019
Postal Address:
Army Public School,
60 feet road,
Chennai 600089
Last Date: 27th July 2019
Reference: Advertisement on the HINDU newspaper Dated 21st July 2019
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