Post Date: 16th June 2017
Name of the University: Baba Farid College of Education, Punjab
University Profile: To provide quality education of global standards with latest technology to inculcate values, patriotism, and channelizing the energy of youth towards social service and satisfying their instincts. The Institute also aims to apply action research for promoting higher standards of teacher education.
Name of the Posts:
Job Location: Bathinda, Punjab
Salary Package: As per UGC norms
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates are required to send their application with relevant documents to the following address with in 15 days from 14th June 2017
Baba Farid College of Education,
Reference: Advertisement on TRIBUNE newspaper dated 14th June 2017
Baba Farid College of Education, Punjab has advertised in Tribune newspaper for the recruitment of Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor jobs vacancies. Interested and eligible job aspirants are requested to apply with in 15 days. Check out further more details below.
Name of the University: Baba Farid College of Education, Punjab
University Profile: To provide quality education of global standards with latest technology to inculcate values, patriotism, and channelizing the energy of youth towards social service and satisfying their instincts. The Institute also aims to apply action research for promoting higher standards of teacher education.
Name of the Posts:
- Professor
- Associate Professor
- Assistant Professor
- Principal
- Teaching of English
- Teaching of Economics
- Teaching of S.St
- Teaching of Music
- Teaching of Punjabi
- Perspective in Education
- Instructor (Fine arts)
Job Location: Bathinda, Punjab
Salary Package: As per UGC norms
Baba Farid College of Education,
Reference: Advertisement on TRIBUNE newspaper dated 14th June 2017
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