Job Posted Date: 01st February 2017
Tezpur University, Assam has advertised in THE TIMES OF INDIA ascent newspaper for the recruitment of Professor Plus Others jobs vacancies. Interested and eligible job aspirants are requested to apply on or before 24th February 2017. Check out further more details below.
Name of the University: Tezpur University, Assam
About University: Tezpur University was established by an Act of Parliament in 1994. The objects of this Central University as envisaged in the statutes are that it shall strive to offer employment oriented and interdisciplinary courses to meet the local and regional aspirations and the development needs of the state of Assam and also offer courses and promote research in areas which are of special and direct relevance to the region and in emerging areas in Science and Technology.
Name of the posts for teaching: Professor
Other Vacancies:
1. Research Officer
2. Stenographer Grade-II
Qualifications: As per University norms / Refer to this PDF file
Job Location: Tezpur, Assam
Salary: As per UGC norms
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may submit their applications in the "prescribed Format (s)" available on the University website The filled in application shall be submitted to The Registrar, Tezpur University, P.O. Napaam, Dist. Sonitpur, PIN-784028, so as to reach on or before the last date. The envelope containing application should be superscribed as :
"Application against Advt. No. /2017
for the post of ___________ (name of the post)
under Dr. Ambedkar Chair"
To Download Application Form: Click Here
Postal Address:
The Registrar,
Tezpur University,
P.O. Napaam,
Dist. Sonitpur,
Tezpur, Assam.
Reference: Advertisement on THE TIMES OF INDIA ascent newspaper dated 01st February 2017
Missing out the live speech of Sasikala? Watch here the first ever public speech delivered by the Sasikala, the new General Secretary of AIADMK.Tezpur University, Assam has advertised in THE TIMES OF INDIA ascent newspaper for the recruitment of Professor Plus Others jobs vacancies. Interested and eligible job aspirants are requested to apply on or before 24th February 2017. Check out further more details below.
Name of the University: Tezpur University, Assam
About University: Tezpur University was established by an Act of Parliament in 1994. The objects of this Central University as envisaged in the statutes are that it shall strive to offer employment oriented and interdisciplinary courses to meet the local and regional aspirations and the development needs of the state of Assam and also offer courses and promote research in areas which are of special and direct relevance to the region and in emerging areas in Science and Technology.
Name of the posts for teaching: Professor
Other Vacancies:
1. Research Officer
2. Stenographer Grade-II
Qualifications: As per University norms / Refer to this PDF file
Job Location: Tezpur, Assam
Salary: As per UGC norms
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may submit their applications in the "prescribed Format (s)" available on the University website The filled in application shall be submitted to The Registrar, Tezpur University, P.O. Napaam, Dist. Sonitpur, PIN-784028, so as to reach on or before the last date. The envelope containing application should be superscribed as :
"Application against Advt. No. /2017
for the post of ___________ (name of the post)
under Dr. Ambedkar Chair"
To Download Application Form: Click Here
The Registrar,
Tezpur University,
P.O. Napaam,
Dist. Sonitpur,
Tezpur, Assam.
Last Date : 24th February 2017
Reference: Advertisement on THE TIMES OF INDIA ascent newspaper dated 01st February 2017
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