Job Posted Date: 23rd November 2016
GITAM University, Hyderabad has advertised in THE HINDU empower newspaper for the recruitment of Teaching Faculty- Professors Plus Associate Professors Plus Assistant Professors jobs vacancies. Interested and eligible job aspirants are requested to walk-in on 27th November 2016. Check out further more details below.
Name of the University: GITAM University, Hyderabad
About University: During the past 33 years, GITAM has been committed to excellence in higher education foraying into diversified disciplines of learning. It has steadily evolved into a world class university recognized for the experiential learning it offers, the competent and compassionate faculty, the stellar research laboratories, academic vibrancy and cosmopolitan culture. Dr. MVVS Murthi, visionary, industrialist, educationist, philanthropist and former parliamentarian has been guiding the destinies of the University since its inception.
Name of the Posts: Teaching Faculty- Professors Plus Associate Professors Plus Assistant Professors
Computer Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Qualification: Minimum M.Tech with first class in UG and PG in the above departments
Job Location: Hyderabad, Telangana
Salary Package: As per University norms
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates are required to attend an interview at the university along with their original / copies of degree certificates / mark sheets and color passport size photos attached with CV to the below postal address.
Walk-in Address:
The Principal,
GITAM University Hyderabad,
Rudraram-502 329,
Sangrareddy District,
TS, India.
Walk-in Date and Time: 27th November 2016, 09:00 am to 02:00 pm
Reference: Advertisement on THE HINDU empower newspaper dated 23rd November 2016.
GITAM University, Hyderabad has advertised in THE HINDU empower newspaper for the recruitment of Teaching Faculty- Professors Plus Associate Professors Plus Assistant Professors jobs vacancies. Interested and eligible job aspirants are requested to walk-in on 27th November 2016. Check out further more details below.
Name of the University: GITAM University, Hyderabad
About University: During the past 33 years, GITAM has been committed to excellence in higher education foraying into diversified disciplines of learning. It has steadily evolved into a world class university recognized for the experiential learning it offers, the competent and compassionate faculty, the stellar research laboratories, academic vibrancy and cosmopolitan culture. Dr. MVVS Murthi, visionary, industrialist, educationist, philanthropist and former parliamentarian has been guiding the destinies of the University since its inception.
Name of the Posts: Teaching Faculty- Professors Plus Associate Professors Plus Assistant Professors
Computer Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Qualification: Minimum M.Tech with first class in UG and PG in the above departments
Job Location: Hyderabad, Telangana
Salary Package: As per University norms
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates are required to attend an interview at the university along with their original / copies of degree certificates / mark sheets and color passport size photos attached with CV to the below postal address.
Walk-in Address:
The Principal,
GITAM University Hyderabad,
Rudraram-502 329,
Sangrareddy District,
TS, India.
Walk-in Date and Time: 27th November 2016, 09:00 am to 02:00 pm
Reference: Advertisement on THE HINDU empower newspaper dated 23rd November 2016.
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